One thing every great team has in common is their ability to finish strong. Our finishing department is the model for strength in quality and efficiency.
Split shipments can be arranged to as many or few recipients as desired. Use our warehouse to store inventory for us to pick pack and ship on demand.
Stock base decorated items for branch, location, or individual customization at a later date. Volume decoration in any capacity means saving time and money.
No team jersey would be complete without the personalized athletic name and number on the back. We cut the vinyl custom for your order and apply the transfer in-house.
Vinyl letters and numbers are available in 2”, 4”, and 8” tall.
Standard Locations & Size
Left Chest Names - 2“ tall
Left Chest Numbers - 4” tall
Vertical Sleeve Names - 2“ tall
Sleeve Numbers - 4” tall
Full Back Names - 2” tall
Full Back Numbers - 8” tall
Presentation is everything. A neatly folded, poly-bagged garment heightens the perceived value of the item. It’s also much easier to manage 500 bagged shirts than 500 loose ones. We can fold and bag specific to your needs. Just ask if you would like multi garment bagging or a specific pack-out.
standard polybag size: 11" x 14"
standard fold size: 10"w x 13" approximately
900 folds per hour
We max out our hang tag capacity at about 300 per hour. This does depend on the placement of the tag. Standard placement on a regular inside shirt tag can be done much more quickly than than a collar, shoulder or wrist seam. More care is required to apply the tag to a seamed area to avoid damaging the garment.
We apply size stickers and bar codes based on your custom needs. Please inquire for a quote.
Inside shirt labels including design brand, product information, wash instructions and/or size are becoming increasingly popular. Originally we screen printed these imprints. The drawbacks were immediately apparent.
Heat pressing the tags was an obvious solution. Ink is printed on transfer paper, then each tag is cut out and pressed on the shirt.
The increased efficiency of the process means a lower cost to the same end, which, in turn saves you money!
We are able to apply heat-transfer tags to 16,000 garments per day!
Custom company apparel can benefit your business in a variety of ways. Branding your uniforms, t-shirts, or promotional apparel with personality can help develop a strong company image that people will remember.
This guide is a primer for the main points to consider when ordering custom company clothing and how to start the process.