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Got Large Prints? Consider The Advantages Of Oversized Printing.

Posted by Kelly Hageman on February 12, 2014 3:52:00 PM CST

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As a Sales Insider here in the Sharprint customer service department, I field a great many inquiries about All-Over Printing. In fact, it may very well be our most requested process! Sadly, with the uptick of recent interest in AOP comes an equal number of folks who decide in the end for various reasons that it's not right for them. And while it's true that we'll take any chance we get to wax ecstatic about our All-Over Printing capabilities, there is actually another option for huge prints - but with fewer restrictions.Consider the humble oversized print. By simply designing your artwork to be as large as possible without touching the collar, sleeves or any seams, we can produce big, beautiful prints using our standard screen-printing method. It's a much more cost-efficient option! 

The screens involved in producing standard screen prints are smaller than those used by AOP machines. This means less labor in producing them, resulting in a smaller setup fee and a lower minimum order quantity. Suddenly, printing giant images on shirts is an option within reach for smaller retailers or designers hoping to test the waters with a small first run.

Standard oversize printing also eliminates the unique design challenges associated with all-over printing.

When asked for further design tips, our resident design guru Jake Saunders offers, "Registration is much, much better if you're using more than one color, and there is a much higher number of possible colors [when using standard screen printing] - 11 as opposed to five."  Are there any downsides? "The restriction is that the design is subject to the limitations of 19" wide by  22" high and that it can't 'fall off' the shirt as an AOP does. But it's a big frickin' print."

He's right! Take a look at these big frickin' prints:




Check out this HUGE print...


...even on an XL!


This one would have worked as an oversized print...


...but printing over seams makes it an all-over print.


Now, we can't print 19x22 on the smaller shirts, a 15x20 print still looks stunning!


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Kelly Hageman

Written by Kelly Hageman